Jan Ong Logo

Hey! How's it going? I'm

Jan Ong

Software Engineer

Thanks for stopping by!

I am a software engineer that's interested in machine learning, computer vision, excellent design, and its applications in the healthcare industry.

Get in touch!

What i do.

I've been coding professionally for 2 years now and am currently working as a Software Developer that focuses on integration, automation, and optimization.

Here are a few technologies that I work with on a daily basis:

  • LabVIEW
  • Azure DevOps
  • OpenCV
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Git

And these are what I work with in my spare time:

  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • Typescript
  • Node
  • PyTorch
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Docker
  • Hugging Face

Places i've worked.

Since 2022, I have had the privilege to work at a company that has allowed me to earn my degree at the same time. That company is Thorlabs.

Software Developer#Thorlabs Canada

Sep 2022 - Present

  • Collaborates with a multidisciplinary engineering team to develop in-house software using LabVIEW and Python for use in the manufacture, automation, analysis and testing of various optical components.
  • Interfaced with multiple databases to provide real-time read/write capabilities to the user.
  • Reduced inspection times of finished products by 90% by utilizing machine vision techniques.
  • Automated production of the company’s bestselling product line by providing a modular step-by-step approach, improving machining time by as much as 40% and reducing human error.
  • Cut down on the company’s paper waste by as much as 20,000 sheets of paper per year by implementing electronic product data records in lieu of paper-based ones.

Some of my works.

Check out some of the works I've done in the past.

#01 Compass

Progressive Web App (PWA) focusing on health, providing a number of features including various health journals, live information on healthcare facility capacities, health news aggregation, push notifications, and AI-powered components such as disease prediction, tablet identification, and snoring prediction.

View Project
#02 Synapsis

A professional networking site that allows professionals to connect with others, search for jobs, and manage job postings. Built with Java Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.

View Project
#03 La Hacienda

A posh online grocery store built entirely in vanilla PHP and Bootstrap.

View Project
La Hacienda
#04 PHP DB Explorer

A MySQL database explorer that allows users to view, edit, and delete records and run custom queries in a MySQL database. Built entirely in vanilla PHP and CSS.

View Project
PHP DB Explorer

Say hi!

Think I may be a good fit for your organization? Or might have a project that you want to collaborate with me on? Or just want to chat? I'm all ears. Feel free to shoot me an email.

Jan Ong 2024